now, just imagine my surprise when i saw this photo of gabie ... not only does it have an orb, it's got lots of 'em! to me, it looks as if they're playing with him ...

this particular night, only gabie was with me. we were waiting for my husband who was supposed to meet us there from work. but, he was late. so while waiting for him, i allowed gabie to play around but never near the fountain because i don't want him to get wet. i didn't have any spare clothes for him.
while he was playing i took a series of photos of him with my handphone. and the one above is one of them. remember, we never went near the fountain, so it can't be water droplets. and below are the other photos in the series. the shot after this photo is completely free of any orbs as you can see here ...
but two other photos have at least one orb in it. as you can see in the one below, there is an orb on his head.
i don't know about you, but i'm scared. hey, that's my son with the orbs!
Orbs at Vivocity?? Wow~
Ooooo! Spooky! Really? Orbs? Cool. Now I have to go back and look at some of my photos to see if I've captured any ghosts...
Thanks for stopping by and have a Scary Week!
The truth is out there...
Good post.
That is really cool! I love this post! :)
hi napaboaniya, yes, that's in vivocity ...
hi rj, go ahead ... look at ur photos ... i'm sure everyone has one :)
thanks for dropping by, aileni and leslie ...
Wow! Orbs? Wow I don't notice really I have some shots like that but I was thinking maybe wrong focus or something. But if they are indeed orbs wow if that was my child I would be scared too.
Hey sorry for spooking your kids with my scary post at earthly explorations. Happy weekend!
no worries, earthlinggorgeous. they love being spooked! my 7yo would even google for scary photos and search youtube for the videos to scare himself and his siblings ...
Oops that's scary indeed seeing all those orbs in the photo's with your son. Perhaps they are good ghosts who just want to join in child fun.
yes, i think so, too, carin :) thanks for dropping by!
that could be moisture on you camera lens.btw, i've been to vivocity and i've seen that fountain. :)
hi little_light ... that's what i also thought at first ... but strange that the next photos after that one is very clear :) btw, gabie's a boy :D i know, the hair is too long haha
thanks for dropping by!
little_light, sorry i lost your other comment ... i don't know why it disappeared after i published it :(
I think maybe they are the mysterious 'mall' ghosts. They are seldom seen but often heard as voices in one's mind. They normally say 'Come to the mall and spend money. More will come.'
Thank you for providing evidence that they actually do exist.
(Thanks for the visit earlier)
Woooooah, was just thinking it was dust on your camera lens! But if the other photos in the series don't have those orbs...
@baker_watson ...
i think ur right! LOL thanks for visiting :)
thanks for visiting, @ytsl :D
Spooky! A great post :)
Thanks for visiting mine :)
could be reflections of the lights around, or moisture... i have photos with these orbs, too.
very cute, and not too scary... interesting and curious orbs though
@bingskee ...
it's open for discussions :) thanks for dropping by ...
I'm not that sure about what "orbs" means, but it sounds very disturbing.
Nice shots.
Orbs can be interpreted differently. Those in the photos can be scary, or can be interpreted as reflections. Baker Watson's comment is funny, by the way :D
Thanks for stopping by my place and saying really does look like he is playing with 'orbs' ;)
this looks genuine. scary
Wow Spooky.
Very nice post for the theme.
Just a note on the orbs. You sometimes get them when taking digital photographs in low lighting conditions. I've yet to see them on photos taken on a bright sunny day, or in a well lit room ;O)
He sure looks like he's having a lot of fun with them, whatever they are!
He sure is a cutie!
Now THAT os definitely Scary! Especially seeing how the photo right after it is clear! Kinda creepy.
Thanks for looking at my skeleton costume. It would be real easy to make now a days. If you didn't want to cut out the bones out of fabric you could paint them on. They even have glow in the dark paint! That would be real cool!
He and the orbs look to be having a great time together.
They're just visiting. As you said, it look like they are playing together.
could be dust (i'm wishing!) instead of water droplets. hehe!
Well I had never heard that before, but now will be thinking about it. My chicken coop photos have orbs. I like the photos you chose and the story behind them. Thanks for visiting my PH.
I'm sure there is some logical explanation but I have no idea what it is. I also haven't heard that ghosts appear before. Now you are scaring me. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
creepy esp. since it's your kid in the photo...
thanks for droppin' by!
whoaaa... that's scary to imagine!
Oh wow! That is awesome! I love that kind of stuff. Doesn't scare me at all, just makes me very curious!
Interesting... thanks for visiting...
Now that really is scary! Although he is just too cute in these photos!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
I've found lots of orbs in lots of my photos! It is a little creepy to think about. Great photos! Thanks for stopping by!
Love the post...
weird thing with the orbs!
thanks to everyone who dropped by ... as i said, it's open to discussions and speculations :D
dust, reflections and sometimes the camera isn't ready and haven't got enough exposure and so on, this is what usually will happen in low light photo. Thanks for dropping by ;) Cute kids hehehe...
If it's really something bad(at least this is my friend experience), once you gotten photos like this and don't delete it and keep it, your life won't be peaceful. There will be always something bad that hit you until you delete the photos. That's what my friend encountered last time. He randomly snapped some photos and caught something "dirty" and didn't want to delete the photo, many bad things happened to him until he had to be admitted to the hospital for some unknown sickness, then after discharged and upon advise of his family, he deleted the photo. After that, nothing bad happen and life gone back as usual. Scary eh?
I'll have to start noticing if I h ave any orbs in my photos. Interesting.
Oooh, you never know... they really might be all around us!
your photos are too cute to be scary =] if gabbie aint bothered, you shouldn't be =]
Cool post! I love finding Orbs in my photos. Some people think they are angels!
Thanks for visiting mine and have a great week!
Interesting take on the theme. Maybe they were waiting for the bus.
Thanks for stopping by!
it could be the effect of the usually occurs in flash mode..
well i dont know..maybe it was really an orb..:)
i had a scary shot too
I've taken some photos with orbs too and it gave me the goosebumps. Please pardon my very late visit.
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