when i came home today, miggy gave me an invitation from school for the annual prize-giving day to be held on friday morning. according to him, he'll get an award for best progress. well, the invitation did not mention which award he is getting. but, miggy did say that, today, his teacher read to his class the top ten students of the year. and no, he is not in the list. but also according to him, his teacher mentioned that he made the best progress in class. so, he thinks that this is the award that he is getting. so, we're not really sure which award he'll get. i even think that there is a possibility that he might get the mister congeniality or most friendly award, if they do give such awards, because he is very friendly and even knows kids from other classes :D
anyway, whatever award he'll get, i'm still so happy and so proud of him. he did work very hard this year to improve himself. he started out in primary school not knowing how to read when his peers were already reading early-reader books. he knew only how to copy and write numbers when his peers were already doing sums and writing number words. but now, he is leaving primary 1 as a book lover, reading books from harry potter to spiderman comic books to true singapore ghost stories. and do i have to mention he scored 90% for his maths exams? so, if he is getting the best progress award, he truly deserve it. as miggy himself puts it, "all my hard work finally paid off!"
now, the invitation states that due to space constraints, only one guest is invited per recipient. my hubby is free to attend it and it is a bit late notice for me to apply for leave this friday. but miggy wants me to be the one to see him get this reward. i suppose it's because he acknowledges that it was our joint efforts (miggy and me) that led to this award. so, he really wants me to get this award with him. sweet. i'm so touched. luckily, the parental benefits of singapore were just ammended and i have an additional 1 day child care leave for this year. i'm sure i can work out something to take this leave on friday :)
you might have noticed that i haven't posted here since last thursday. i haven't even done last week's photohunt and litratong pinoy. that's because so many things happened last week and i was quite disoriented. but not until i received this news from miggy. so, i crawled out of my niche today just to post this great news.
congrats to Miggy...yay!!!
salamat, mare :) we're all so happy talaga ...
perhaps "most outstanding pupil"... can't think of any word but the way he explain it, it seem like it... congrats to migz, you're a proud momma! :)
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